
Assistance in case of a traffic accident

The course is designed for all road users – drivers and pedestrians. In addition to the basic algorithm of actions in case of an accident and identification of hazards, the program includes the initial review of the victim, assessment of signs of life and call for emergency aid. Emergency evacuation of a casualty from a vehicle and transfer to a transport shield is practiced. The course reviews the composition of the motor vehicle first aid kit and makes recommendations for its contents.

Course program:

  • Basic algorithm of actions in a traffic accident: inspection of the scene of the accident, identification of factors that threaten the victim and rescuers; fencing the scene of the accident.
  • Initial examination of the victim, identifying signs of life, call for emergency assistance.
  • Examination of the victim with trauma (trauma examination): identification of broken bones, soft tissue contusions, signs of craniocerebral trauma; cervical spine injury and imposition of a cervical collar; quick extraction of the victim from the vehicle; spinal cord and spinal cord injury; transfer of the victim to a transport shield.
  • AMA-1 first aid kit. An overview of the standard first aid kit and recommendations on how to complete it.

Duration: 1 day

Time: 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

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