Gaming and gambling addiction: treatment

Symptoms of the disease

Relatives of the patient may suspect that a loved one has a computer (gaming) addiction if the following warning signs are detected:

• maximum involvement in the actions taking place on the screen;
• a gradual increase in the length of time spent behind the monitor screen;
• change of interests and motivations, constant thoughts about the gameplay, imagination of various situations and scenarios;
• inability to stop playing to meet necessary needs, communicate with family and friends, continue studies or work;
• restlessness and irritability at the onset of short intervals between work at the computer;
• the formation of an insurmountable desire to spend as much time as possible behind the monitor;
• bad mood and decreased concentration, sleep and appetite disorders, migraines and dizziness;
• maximum tension during the passage of the game.

Dangerous consequences of the disease

If the patient does not start treatment for computer (gaming) addiction in a timely manner, the likelihood of:

• job loss;
• rupture of family and friendly relations;
• occurrence of panic attacks;
• formation of alcohol dependence;
• development of serious mental disorders;
• committing suicide.
Symptoms boil down to the patient’s inability to control the frequency and time spent on video games on the phone or computer. There may be awareness of negative moments, but it still cannot stop. Early hobbies and activities go out of life, gambling remains.

Since 2022, video game addiction has been officially recognized as a disease according to the 11th revision of the international classification. The very concept of gambling was also in the 10th international classification of diseases, including the condition when a person cannot tear himself away from video games, chats, social networks, likes, streams, e-mail, etc.

In order to separate gambling dependence from independence, it is necessary to analyze several examples. If a teenager played for 10 minutes, at the same time controlled himself, remembering that he had to do his homework, switched and forgot about video games, then this is not an addiction. Or an adult remembers that family and children are a priority, and you need to go to bed at 22 o’clock in order to wake up cheerful for work. And 10 minutes of the game will not affect anything, there will be no obsessive thoughts to return to the screen, then such a state does not meet the addiction criteria.

And if a teenager is repeatedly approached by a mother at night, the school day is ahead and she needs to rest, and the young man is excited, aggressive and is not going to sleep, picks up her mother with non-childish hands and pushes her out of the room, dad comes to the rescue, picks up the phone in a directive, and the teenager begins to howl until to such an extent that the neighbors cannot stand the nerves, and they call the police, then such a teenager is a gamer, a mentally and drug addicted person.

The next example is gambling, it gets worse when it comes to casino online Canada because it is so easy to access. A young man and a 23-year-old girl, instead of creating and working, starting a family and having children in a timely manner, play video games for three days in a row, remain without sleep, leave reality, do not react to ongoing events, do not go to the store, do not wash , they don’t comb, they can’t even immediately remember what day it is, then this is a computer addiction and a mental disorder.

Video game addiction syndrome is characterized by the inability to control the frequency and time spent playing video games on a smartphone or other device.
At the first stage of the disease addiction can be realized, there is a feeling of guilt. Thoughts come to play less, there is criticism about losses and conflicts. With the progression of gambling addiction, the personality breaks down and no longer separates itself from the disease. Former socially approved aspirations and abilities are extinguished. Develop the ability to cheat and deceive. For example, steal money from someone else’s online bank or account. Personal life, study, work fade into the background, they are given attention by inertia. Degeneration, autism, depression, psychosis develop. Real communication is limited to a circle of close people living together. Virtual communication is limited to online gamers around the “strategy of the game.” The real names of virtual friends may not be known. You can’t say about such pseudo-friends “a friend will not leave you in trouble” or “we divide everything in half, as it should be for friends.” If a person disappears from a team of computer players, then they will not be remembered for a long time. After a few years, health problems intensify: visual acuity decreases, muscles atrophy, the head, back, and stomach hurt, but the gamer does not pay attention to this, sparing neither health, nor time, nor money.

In conclusion, the topic of symptoms of addiction to computers and the Internet, I would like to note for parents that prevention of addiction is easier than cure. Today, parents buy time for themselves and take care of themselves while the child sits quietly playing on the Internet. And in adolescence, it will be very difficult to take away a phone with a game, the deformation of the child’s personality will begin, from social and spiritual needs. Children get used to video games very quickly, there is a serious impact on the senses of artificial intelligence. For prevention, it is necessary to organize full employment and lack of free time. Additional classes, dancing, sports sections, reading, live communication to help. Phones and computers cannot be bought off, but this technique must be under reasonable control. It is necessary to spend as much parental time on children as possible. And if gambling addiction has formed, then the mobilization of parents and nerves will be required to overcome serious stress.

Gambling addiction cannot be overcome without a reassessment of values!

Methods for treating gambling addiction

Treatment of computer gambling involves the implementation of a complex method of exposure. Passing a full course of rehabilitation allows the patient to forget about addictions and return to true life values.

An experienced doctor who treats gambling addiction will help the patient learn to control their thoughts and feelings. The doctor will monitor the patient’s condition. The patient will be offered effective ways to deal with gambling addiction.

Where to get treatment

Professional doctors of the clinic will help the patient overcome addictions. Game addiction is treated through daily psychotherapy sessions with an experienced physician. The specialist will be able to:

• identify the nature and severity of the disease;
• develop skills to resist dangerous desires.
Based on the test results, the doctor will choose the best course of treatment for addiction to computer games.